Resilire - Altersübergreifendes Resilienz-Management (Resilire)

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project

Acronym: Resilire

Start date : 01.11.2014

End date : 31.10.2017

Extension date: 31.12.2017


Project details

Scientific Abstract

High demands (e.g. short innovation cycles, rapidly changing technologies or time pressure) characterise the modern working world and at the same time endanger the mental health of employees of all age groups. Resilience encompasses individual resources such as self-efficacy, mindfulness and optimism, which promotes the successful mastering of these work-related challenges and thus contributes to the mental health of employees. In the Resilire project, questionnaires were developed to assess resilience on an individual and organisational level. Web-based trainings were developed and empirically tested to strengthen resilience. In addition, a presence coaching was developed to ensure the implementation of resilience in occupational health care.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source

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