Hybride semiconductors – metal nanowire composites for opto-electronic devices (GRK1896-A6)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: GRK1896-A6

Start date : 01.10.2013

End date : 30.09.2017

Extension date: 30.09.2022

Overall project details

Overall project

In-situ Characterization of Nanomaterials with Electrons, X-rays/Neutrons and Scanning Probes (GRK 1896) Oct. 1, 2013 - Sept. 30, 2022

Project details

Scientific Abstract

Project A6 combines the findings from the first funding period, which investigated the transport properties of metallic nanowires as well as inorganic nanoparticles as a function of microstructure and microstructure with c-AFM and electron microscopy methods. The follow-up project will address the electrical and optical properties of nanoparticle-filled nanowire composites. The focus of the investigations is on the microscopic understanding of the charge carrier transport between the semiconducting matrix and the metallically conductive nanowires. In situ X-ray spectroscopy under light (c-AFM and STM) should provide insight into the electrical processes at the interfaces.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source

Research Areas