Lyrics of the German Middle Ages: A Digital Edition of Minnesang (LDM)

Third party funded individual grant

Acronym: LDM

Start date : 01.03.2017

End date : 28.02.2026


Project details

Scientific Abstract

A significant proportion of the Minnesang has been repeatedly transmitted. An intense text-theoretical and media-historical discussion in recent years has shown that the transmission in its variability should be taken very seriously. The aim of the project is to transfer this level of understanding consequently into editorial practice. The means to achieve this is to replace the printed book with the electronic edition. Only the electronic edition allows for the processing of texts in their different transmissions in such a way that every user can be provided with exactly the synopsis that is currently needed. In addition, the text can not only be presented in an editorially modified way; it can also be presented in manifestations like transcription or digital reproduction, which lead to the manuscripts themselves. Finally, the adoption of electronic media allows for the texts to be made freely accessible for everyone (Open Access). The project is a follow-up of a pioneer project in which the editorial concept has been worked out in detail, in which different workflows have been tested, and technical feasibility has been proven. corpus includes the entire Minnesang.


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