Constitutive friction law for the description and optimization of tailored surfaces

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Start date : 01.01.2009

End date : 31.12.2020

Extension date: 31.03.2021


Overall project details

Overall project

TRR 73: Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process - Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Jan. 1, 2009 - Feb. 28, 2024

Overall project speaker:

Project details

Short description

A central challenge in sheet-bulk metal forming is a partially uncontrolled material flow. This worsens the achievable geometrical accuracy of the parts. In this context, the objective of the project is to control the material flow by local adjustments of the friction by modifying the workpiece or tool surface. Hereby, the die filling of the functional elements is improved. Especially tool-sided modifications have a high potential, since they do not extend the process chain. However, for an efficient application, they must offer a high wear resistance, which is why the functional relationships between wear-induced changes in the tool topography and friction are being researched.

Scientific Abstract

A central challenge in sheet-bulk metal forming is a partially uncontrolled material flow. This worsens the achievable geometrical accuracy of the parts. In this context, the objective of the project is to control the material flow by local adjustments of the friction by modifying the workpiece or tool surface. Hereby, the die filling of the functional elements is improved. Especially tool-sided modifications have a high potential, since they do not extend the process chain. However, for an efficient application, they must offer a high wear resistance, which is why the functional relationships between wear-induced changes in the tool topography and friction are being researched.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source

Research Areas