Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Acronym: H-01
Start date : 01.01.2011
End date : 31.03.2015
The purpose of the "Prospective Health Technology Assessment Medical Valley EMN" (ProHTA) project is to set up a scientific service platform to assess innovative health technologies before they are launched on the market. ProHTA describes 1) The effect of new technologies and products on the quality and cost of healthcare; 2) Efficiency potential within the healthcare chain which can be leveraged with the aid of new technologies and products. Medical engineering is characterized by a high pace of innovation. It is therefore important for companies to understand in the early phase of the innovation process just what effect the introduction of technological innovations will have on the healthcare process, and what implications there are for the health system as a whole. ProHTA will pool and formalize knowledge on stakeholders, processes, effects and payments that is required for the prospective assessment and will also create simulation tools as a basis for more far-reaching analyses. By means of integration between technology and processes in modeled scenarios, it will be possible to show and assess the resulting effects on the individual stakeholders in the health system in terms of cost and benefit. Conclusions can then be reached regarding, for example, further development of innovations and the need for regulative adjustment (e.g. gaps in healthcare provision, payment situation, incentive mechanism) of the framework conditions in the health system.