Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure (funCOS 2)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Start date : 01.04.2014

End date : 30.05.2017

Overall project details

Overall project

FOR 1878: funCOS - Funktionale molekulare Strukturen auf komplexen Oxidoberflächen

Overall project speaker:

Project details

Scientific Abstract

Planar transition metal complexes, such as porphyrins and phthalocyanines, adsorbed on solid supports are interesting systems for sensors and heterogeneous catalysis. An important feature of these complexes, compared to supported metal clusters, is the fact that the active sites, i.e., the coordinated metal centers with their vacant axial coordination sites, are well-defined and uniform. From the application point of view, this promises high selectivity, and from the research point of view easier interpretation of the data. The topic of funCOS 2 is the electronic structure and chemical properties of tetraphenylporphyrins adsorbed on MgO(100) thin films, characterized with x-ray- UV- and two-photon-photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS, UPS, 2PPE). We will focus on the preparation and characterization of well-ordered porphyrin layers, the reactivity of the metal center of the porphyrins and the changes induced by the adsorption of small molecules on the metal center. We aim to: 1) Prepare well-ordered and fully-oxidized MgO(100) thin films on Ag(100), to control, identify and quantify the type and density of defects and to map out the valence and conduction band with UPS and 2PPE. 2) Investigate the interaction of tetraphenylporphyrin, platinum and cobalt tetraphenylporphyrin and a carboxyl (-COOH) functionalized tetraphenylporphyrin with the MgO(100) surface. Focus will be on changes in the N 1s, Pt 4f, Co 2p and valence and conduction band regions as the coverage is increased from submonolayers to multilayers. 3) Investigate simple reactions with porphyrins on MgO(100) and extract kinetic parameters. Focus will be on metalation and adsorption of small molecules (CO, NO, O2 and H2S) on the metal center and the influence this has on the valence band. 4) Characterize with XPS and UPS two selected high surface area porphyrin/MgO systems from funCOS 5 and investigate to which extent they can be described through the results obtained from the model MgO(100) systems.



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