Dr.-Ing. Giuseppe Capobianco


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




A nonsmooth RATTLE algorithm for mechanical systems with frictional unilateral constraints (2024) Breuling J, Capobianco G, Eugster SR, Leine RI Journal article, Original article Event-capturing simulation of nonsmooth systems (2024) Capobianco G Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A RATTLE integrator for the simulation of unilaterally constrained mechanical systems (2024) Capobianco G, Breuling J, Leyendecker S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Recent progress on the EPHS modeling language: Multibody systems and discrete-time semantics (2024) Lohmayer M, Lynch O, Capobianco G, Leyendecker S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Rattle for mechanical systems with frictional unilateral constraints (2023) Harsch J, Capobianco G, Eberhardt L, Eugster SR, Leine RI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Event-capturing Lobatto-type integrators for mechanical systems with frictional contact (2023) Capobianco G Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Dynamics of flexible multibody systems with frictional contact (2023) Capobianco G Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster Lobatto-type variational integrators for mechanical systems with frictional contact (2023) Capobianco G, Harsch J, Leyendecker S Journal article, Original article 2D Euler elastica in constrained environments (2023) Stavole M, Sato Martin de Almagro R, Capobianco G, Brüls O, Leyendecker S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A generalized-alpha scheme for the simulation of flexible multibody systems with constraints (2022) Harsch J, Capobianco G, Eugster SR, Leine RI Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
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