apl. Prof. Dr. Antonio Bergua


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Alpha- and beta-melanocyte stimulating hormone positively impact lipogenesis of meibomian gland cells in vitro and ex vivo (2025) Zahn I, Socher E, Bergua A, Schikorra T, Kleinsasser B, Garreis F, Schicht M, et al. Journal article Pressure-Dependent Elevation of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Level in Chicken Choroid (2023) Privalov E, Zenkel M, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Kuerten S, Bergua A, Hohberger B Journal article Immunohistochemical detection of urea transporter-A in the tear- producing part of the lacrimal system (2022) Jäger F, Paulsen F, Bergua A, Jungbauer R, Hammer C Journal article Urea transporter-B expression on the ocular surface and in the lacrimal glands (2022) Jäger F, Paulsen F, Bergua A, Jungbauer R, Hammer C Journal article Endophthalmitis: Ursachen, Erreger, Therapie und Visusverlauf mit Fokus auf Glaukompatienten (2022) Vorbeck J, Hohberger B, Bergua A Journal article Treatment-resistant nodular scleritis Therapieresistente noduläre Skleritis (2022) Hübner L, Mardin C, Held J, Tappe D, Hammer C, Bergua A Journal article Case Report: Neutralization of Autoantibodies Targeting G-Protein-Coupled Receptors Improves Capillary Impairment and Fatigue Symptoms After COVID-19 Infection (2021) Hohberger B, Harrer T, Mardin C, Kruse F, Hoffmanns J, Rogge L, Heltmann F, et al. Journal article Retinal Microcirculation as a Correlate of a Systemic Capillary Impairment After Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection (2021) Hohberger B, Ganslmayer M, Lucio M, Kruse F, Hoffmanns J, Moritz M, Rogge L, et al. Journal article Impaired visual field while wearing mouth-nose masks in normal eyes (2021) Bergua A, Weber A, Hohberger B Conference contribution Mouth-nose masks impair the visual field of healthy eyes (2021) Weber A, Hohberger B, Bergua A Journal article