Paula Andrea Pérez Toro


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Acoustic and Linguistic Analyses to Assess Early-Onset and Genetic Alzheimer's Disease (2021) Pérez Toro PA, Vasquez Correa J, Arias Vergara T, Klumpp P, Sierra-Castrillón M, Roldán-López ME, Aguillón D, et al. Conference contribution, Original article Apkinson: the smartphone application for telemonitoring Parkinson's patients through speech, gait and hands movement (2020) Orozco-Arroyave JR, Vasquez Correa J, Klumpp P, Pérez Toro PA, Escobar-Grisales D, Roth N, Ríos-Urrego CD, et al. Journal article Nonlinear dynamics and Poincare sections to model gait impairments in different stages of Parkinson's disease (2020) Pérez Toro PA, Vasquez Correa J, Arias Vergara T, Nöth E, Orozco-Arroyave JR Journal article Surgical mask detection with deep recurrent phonetic models (2020) Klumpp P, Arias Vergara T, Vasquez Correa J, Pérez Toro PA, Hönig FT, Nöth E, Orozco-Arroyave JR Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Natural Language Analysis to Detect Parkinson's Disease (2019) Perez-Toro PA, Vasquez Correa J, Strauß M, Orozco Arroyave JR, Nöth E Conference contribution Apkinson: A mobile solution for multimodal assessment of patients with Parkinson's disease (2019) Vásquez-Correa JC, Klumpp P, Arias-Vergara T, Strauss M, Küderle A, Roth N, Bayerl S, et al. Conference contribution, Original article Natural Language Analysis to Detect Parkinson’s Disease (2019) Pérez-Toro PA, Vasquez Correa J, Strauß M, Orozco Arroyave JR, Nöth E Conference contribution A Non-linear Dynamics Approach to Classify Gait Signals of Patients with Parkinson's Disease (2018) Pérez Toro PA, Camilo Vasquez-Correa J, Arias-Vergara T, Garcia-Ospina N, Rafael Orozco-Arroyave J, Nöth E Conference contribution
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