Dr. Maxime Hubert


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Capturing the mechanosensitivity of cell proliferation in models of epithelium (2024) Höllring K, Nuić L, Rogić L, Kaliman S, Gehrer S, Wollnik C, Rehfeldt F, et al. Journal article Morphology as indicator of adaptive changes of model tissues in osmotically and chemically changing environments (2023) Höllring K, Vurnek D, Gehrer S, Dudziak D, Hubert M, Smith AS Journal article Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Two Linear Microswimmers Using the Immersed Boundary Method (2023) Geyer D, Ziegler S, Sukhov A, Hubert M, Smith AS, Aouane O, Malgaretti P, Harting J Journal article, Original article Overload wave-memory induces amnesia of a self-propelled particle (2022) Hubert M, Perrard S, Vandewalle N, Labousse M Journal article Mechanical Regulation of Epithelial Tissue Homeostasis (2021) Kaliman S, Hubert M, Wollnik C, Nuic L, Vurnek D, Gehrer S, Lovrić J, et al. Journal article Theoretical framework for two-microswimmer hydrodynamic interactions (2021) Ziegler S, Scheel T, Hubert M, Harting J, Smith AS Journal article Scallop Theorem and Swimming at the Mesoscale (2021) Hubert M, Trosman O, Collard Y, Sukhov A, Harting J, Vandewalle N, Smith AS Journal article Regimes of motion of magnetocapillary swimmers (2021) Sukhov A, Hubert M, Grosjean G, Trosman O, Ziegler S, Collard Y, Vandewalle N, et al. Journal article A general perturbative approach for bead-based microswimmers reveals rich self-propulsion phenomena (2019) Ziegler S, Hubert M, Vandewalle N, Harting J, Smith AS Journal article Tunable bimodal explorations of space from memory-driven deterministic dynamics (2019) Hubert M, Perrard S, Labousse M, Vandewalle N, Couder Y Journal article