Prof. Dr. Falk Nimmerjahn


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Select hyperactivating NLRP3 ligands enhance the TH1-and TH17-inducing potential of human type 2 conventional dendritic cells (2022) Heger L, Hatscher L, Lehmann C, Purbojo A, Onderka C, Liang C, Hartmann A, et al. Conference contribution Radon Improves Clinical Response in an Animal Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis Accompanied by Increased Numbers of Peripheral Blood B Cells and Interleukin-5 Concentration (2022) Deloch L, Hehlgans S, Rückert M, Maier A, Hinrichs A, Flohr AS, Eckert D, et al. Journal article Corrigendum: There Is (Scientific) Strength in Numbers: A Comprehensive Quantitation of Fc Gamma Receptor Numbers on Human and Murine Peripheral Blood Leukocytes (Front. Immunol., (2020), 11, (118), 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00118) (2022) Kerntke C, Nimmerjahn F, Biburger M Journal article, Erratum B-cell modulation with anti-CD79b antibodies ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalitis in mice (2022) Renner K, Neumayer S, Talke Y, Buchtler S, Schmidbauer K, Nimmerjahn F, Lux A, et al. Journal article Low-Dose Radiotherapy Leads to a Systemic Anti-Inflammatory Shift in the Pre-Clinical K/BxN Serum Transfer Model and Reduces Osteoarthritic Pain in Patients (2022) Weissmann T, Rückert M, Zhou J, Seeling M, Lettmaier S, Donaubauer AJ, Nimmerjahn F, et al. Journal article Impaired B Cell Expression of the Inhibitory Fcγ Receptor IIB in Myasthenia Gravis (2022) Keller CW, Chuquisana O, Derdelinckx J, Gross CC, Berger K, Robinson J, Nimmerjahn F, et al. Journal article The C5a/C5aR1 axis drives autoimmune inflammation in pemphigoid disease through the control of early Tfh cell activation, IgG autoantibody formation and IgG Fc-glycan composition (2022) Kenno S, Gieseler-Tillmann J, Kordowski A, Borus S, Bieber K, Ludwig R, Lux A, et al. Conference contribution Next-generation antibody-based therapies in neurology (2021) Ruck T, Nimmerjahn F, Wiendl H, Luenemann JD Journal article, Review article Low-Salt Diet Attenuates B-Cell- and Myeloid-Cell-Driven Experimental Arthritides by Affecting Innate as Well as Adaptive Immune Mechanisms (2021) Sehnert B, Pohle S, Heuberger C, Rzepka R, Seidl M, Nimmerjahn F, Chevalier N, et al. Journal article Immunomodulation with Romiplostim in Young Adult Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) As Second-Line Strategy (iROM-study) (2021) Schifferli A, Ruefer A, Rovo A, Cantoni N, Holbro A, Favre G, Faeth H, et al. Conference contribution