PD Dr. Simon Steib


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Effects of fatiguing treadmill running on sensorimotor control in athletes with and without functional ankle instability (2013) Steib S, Hentschke C, Welsch G, Pfeifer K, Zech A Journal article, Original article Static and dynamic postural control in ankle sprain copers (2013) Steib S, Zech A, Pfeifer K Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Statische und dynamische posturale Kontrolle bei Sportlern langfristig nach Sprunggelenkverletzung. (2012) Steib S, Zech A, Pfeifer K Journal article The effectiveness of a specific warm-up protocol to enhance static and dynamic postural control in female team handball players (2012) Steib S, Zahn P, Zech A, Pfeifer K Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Statische und dynamische posturale Kontrolle bei Sportlern langfristig nach Sprunggelenkverletzung. (2012) Steib S, Zech A, Pfeifer K Conference contribution The effectiveness of a specific warm-up protocol to enhance static and dynamic postural control in female team handball players. (2012) Steib S, Zahn P, Zech A, Pfeifer K Conference contribution Chronic joint instability, fatigue and sensorimotor control. (2012) Steib S, Pfeifer K Conference contribution Running a Complementary Stroke Rehabilitation and Aftercare Program: Experiences of Four European Centres (2012) Schupp W, Napasakorn K, Steib S Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Effects of localized and general fatigue on static and dynamic postural control in male team handball athletes (2012) Zech A, Steib S, Hentschke C, Eckhardt H, Pfeifer K Journal article, Original article Therapiestrategien in der Schlaganfallnachsorge. [Therapeutic strategies in stroke aftercare: Contents and effects] (2012) Steib S, Schupp W Journal article, Original article