Wai Fu Lai


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Multi-Client Oblivious RAM with Poly-Logarithmic Communication (2020) Chow SSM, Fech K, Lai RWF, Malavolta G Conference contribution, Original article Omniring: Scaling private payments without trusted setup: Formal foundations and a construction of ring confidential transactions with log-size proofs (2019) Lai RWF, Schröder D, Ronge V, Thyagarajan SAK, Ruffing T, Wang J Conference contribution Succinct arguments for bilinear group arithmetic: Practical structure-preserving cryptography (2019) Lai RWF, Malavolta G, Ronge V Conference contribution Another Look at Anonymous Communication (2019) Lai RWF, Cheung KF, Chow SSM, So AMC Journal article Decision Procedure for the Existence of Two-Channel Prefix-Free Codes (2019) Yin HH, Ng KH, Shing YT, Lai RWF, Wang X Conference contribution Omniring: Scaling Private Payments Without Trusted Setup (2019) Lai RWF, Ronge V, Ruffing T, Schröder D, Thyagarajan SAK, Wang J Conference contribution, Original article Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments (2019) Lai RWF, Malavolta G Conference contribution Incremental proofs of sequential work (2019) Döttling N, Lai RWF, Malavolta G Conference contribution Efficient Invisible and Unlinkable Sanitizable Signatures (2019) Bultel X, Lafourcade P, Lai RWF, Malavolta G, Schröder D, Thyagarajan SAK Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Simple Password-Hardened Encryption Services (2018) Lai RWF, Egger C, Reinert M, Chow SS, Maffei M, Schröder D Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
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