PD Dr. Maria Heckel


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Patient*innen gestalten Forschung in der Palliativmedizin mit (2020) Heckel M, Meesters S, Schildmann E, Ostgathe C Journal article Evaluating the implementation of national recommendations on multidrug-resistant bacterial microorganisms in end-of-life care (2020) Heckel M, Illig A, Brunner S, Ostgathe C Journal article The quality of care of the dying in hospital—next-of-kin perspectives (2020) Heckel M, Vogt AR, Stiel S, Radon J, Kurkowski S, Goebel S, Ostgathe C, Weber M Journal article Kompetenzdarstellung, Patientennähe und Argumentationsstrategien von Internetangeboten deutscher Hospize, Palliativstationen und SAPV-Teams-eine korpusbasierte Meta-Analyse (2020) Peters J, Dykes N, Ostgathe C, Habermann M, Heckel M Journal article, Original article Patients and the Public are doing Research in Palliative Medicine (2019) Heckel M, Merkel G, Orth K, Schumann B, Schildmann E, Ostgathe C Journal article, Editorial Costs associated with multidrug-resistance in inpatient palliative care (2019) Adelhardt T, Hessemer S, Heckel M, Herbst FA, Stiel S, Ostgathe C, Schöffski O Journal article Identifying the need for specialized palliative care in adult cancer patients - Development and validation of a screening procedure based on proxy assessment by physicians and filter questions (2019) Ostgathe C, Wendt KN, Heckel M, Kurkowski S, Klein C, Krause S, Fuchs F, et al. Journal article Language in Motion - Time-Typical Vocabulary of Palliative Medicine (2019) Peters J, Heckel M, Habermann M, Ostgathe C Journal article Perspectives on multidrug-resistant organisms at the end of life: A focus group study of staff members and institutional stakeholders (2019) Herbst FA, Heckel M, Tiedtke J, Adelhardt T, Sturm A, Stiel S, Ostgathe C Journal article '. . . and then no more kisses!' Exploring patients' experiences on multidrug-resistant bacterial microorganisms and hygiene measures in end-of-life care A mixed-methods study (2019) Heckel M, Sturm A, Stiel S, Ostgathe C, Herbst FA, Tiedtke J, Adelhardt T, et al. Journal article
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