PD Dr. Karim Abu-Omar


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Evaluating physical activity interventions for socioeconomically disadvantaged adults through the RE-AIM framework: A systematic review of experimental and non–/quasi-experimental trials (2022) Linder S, Ferschl S, Abu-Omar K, Ziemainz H, Reimers AK Journal article, Review article Measuring capabilities for physical activity-related health outcomes: A Systematic review (2022) Till M, Ferschl S, Abu-Omar K, Reimers AK, Gelius P Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Disseminierung der Nationalen Bewegungsempfehlungen: Partizipative Entwicklung von Disseminierungsstrategien in Deutschland (2022) Hartung V, Messing S, Pfeifer K, Geidl W, Abu-Omar K Journal article, Original article Schlüsselkomponenten von Bewegungsversorgungsketten: Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit (2022) Mino E, Geidl W, Hanson C, Mchale S, Naber I, Weißenfels A, Klamroth S, et al. Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture P07-04 A systematic review of key interventional elements in international exercise referral schemes (2022) Mino E, Hanson C, Geidl W, Naber I, Mchale S, Klamroth S, Weißenfels A, et al. Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster P07-12 Stakeholders perspectives on exercise referral schemes in Germany (2022) Naber I, Mino E, Klamroth S, Weißenfels A, Geidl W, Gelius P, Abu-Omar K, Pfeifer K Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster S02-1 Physical activity and sedentary behaviour of children aged 6-9 in Europe: an analysis within the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) (2022) Whiting S, Buoncristiano M, Gelius P, Abu-Omar K, Pattison M, Hyska J, Duleva V, et al. Journal article, other The cooperative planning approach in health promotion: Theoretical foundation, theoretical classification and key elements (2022) Gelius P, Till M, Sommer RM, Ferschl S, Abu-Omar K Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture An alternative framework for HEPA projects: Developing recommendations for the use of the Capability Approach (2022) Till M, Abu-Omar K, Ferschl S, Abel T, Pfeifer K, Gelius P Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture S02-5 Physical inactivity in nine Eastern European and Central Asian countries: results from the WHO STEPwise approach to NCD risk factor surveillance (2022) Whiting S, Mendes R, Abu-Omar K, Gelius P, Crispo A, Mccoll K, Simmonds P, et al. Conference contribution