Dr. Nicole Tegtmeyer-Backert


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Helicobacter pylori infection of AZ-521 cells reveals a type IV secretion defect and VacA-independent CagA phosphorylation (2017) Tegtmeyer N, Backert S Journal article, Letter Subversion of host kinases: a key network in cellular signaling hijacked by Helicobacter pylori CagA (2017) Tegtmeyer N, Neddermann M, Asche CI, Backert S Journal article, Review article Overexpression of serine protease HtrA enhances disruption of adherens junctions, paracellular transmigration and type IV secretion of CagA by Helicobacter pylori (2017) Harrer A, Böhm M, Backert S, Tegtmeyer N Journal article Helicobacter pylori: A Paradigm Pathogen for Subverting Host Cell Signal Transmission (2017) Naumann M, Sokolova O, Tegtmeyer N, Backert S Journal article, Review article Type iv secretion and signal transduction of Helicobacter pylori caga through interactions with host cell receptors (2017) Backert S, Tegtmeyer N Journal article, Review article Expression of Helicobacter pylori serine protease HtrA in Campylobacter jejuni reveals a crucial function in oxygen stress resistance, heat tolerance and epithelial barrier disruption (2017) Böhm M, Tegtmeyer N, Harrer A, Skorko-Glonek J, Backert S Journal article Molecular Pathogenesis and Signal Transduction by Helicobacter pylori (2017) Tegtmeyer N, Backert S Edited Volume Human campylobacteriosis (2017) Backert S, Tegtmeyer N, Croinin TO, Böhm M, Heimesaat MM Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Molecular Pathogenesis and Signal Transduction by Helicobacter pylori Preface (2017) Tegtmeyer N, Backert S Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Helicobacter pylori Employs a Unique Basolateral Type IV Secretion Mechanism for CagA Delivery (2017) Tegtmeyer N, Wessler S, Necchi V, Rohde M, Harrer A, Rau T, Asche I, et al. Journal article