Dr.-Ing. Kai-Steffen Hielscher


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Ensuring Reliable and Predictable Behavior of IEEE 802.1CB Frame Replication and Elimination (2022) Maile L, Voitlein D, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution, Original article Synchronization of Hybrid Models in the Automated Driving Simulation (2022) Baron W, Sippl C, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution Broadband Internet Access via Satellite: Performance Measurements with different Operators and Applications (2022) Deutschmann J, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution ITANS: Incremental Task and Network Scheduling for Time-Sensitive Networks (2022) Arestova A, Baron W, Hielscher KS, German R Journal article POSTER: Revisiting Multipath QUIC Experiments and Comparing them with more recent Multipath TCP Implementations (2021) Schmidt T, Deutschmann J, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution Simulative Evaluation of the TSN Mechanisms Time-Aware Shaper and Frame Preemption and Their Suitability for Industrial Use Cases (2021) Arestova A, Hielscher KS, German R, Arestova A, Jens Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution LETT: An Execution Model for Distributed Real-Time Systems (2021) Baron W, Arestova A, Sippl C, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Performance of modern web protocols over satellite links (2021) Deutschmann J, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution Discrete event simulation for the purpose of real-time performance evaluation of distributed hardware-in-the-loop simulators for autonomous driving vehicle validation (2021) Funda C, German R, Hielscher KS Journal article Broadband Internet access via satellite: State-of-the-art and future directions (2021) Deutschmann J, Heyn T, Rohde C, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution