Andreas Mayr


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Potentials of few-shot learning for quality monitoring in laser welding of hairpin windings (2023) Raffin T, Mayr A, Baader M, Laube N, Kühl A, Franke J Journal article Data-driven quality monitoring of needle winding processes in electric motor production using machine learning techniques (2023) Mayr A, Scheffler F, Fuder R, Raffin T, Kißkalt D, Franke J Conference contribution A multi-view deep learning approach for quality assessment in laser welding of hairpin windings based on 2D image captures (2022) Mayr A, Bauer J, Franke J Journal article Towards an intelligent straightening system for flat enameled copper wire: problem statement, review of related work, and basic concept (2022) Mayr A, Baader M, Raffin T, Riedel A, Franke J Journal article Kennzahlenbasiertes F & E-Controlling im Kontext der Elektromobilität: Methodische Erarbeitung eines Kennzahlengerüsts für das operative F & E-Controlling am Beispiel eines Maschinen- und Anlagenbauers (2022) Mayr A, Rommel C, Schaller V, Franke J Journal article Four Independent Knowledge Domains to Enable an Agile, Distributed Development of User-Centred Engineering Configurators (2021) Schäffer E, Mayr A, Reichenstein T, Shafiee S, Franke J Journal article, Original article Maschinelles Lernen in der Produktion (2021) Kißkalt D, Mayr A Other publication type Process curve analysis with machine learning on the example of screw fastening and press-in processes (2021) Meiners M, Mayr A, Franke J Journal article, Original article Potentials of Optical Coherence Tomography for Process Monitoring in Laser Welding of Hairpin Windings (2021) Baader M, Mayr A, Raffin T, Selzam JH, Kühl A, Franke J Conference contribution A Microservice-Based Architecture for Flexible Data Acquisition at the Edge in the Context of Hairpin Stator Production (2021) Raffin T, Mayr A, Fuchs J, Baader M, Morello A, Kühl A, Franke J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution