Rebecca Diekmann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




ENERGY AND PROTEIN INTAKE, ANTHROPOMETRICS, AND DISEASE BURDEN IN ELDERLY HOME-CARE RECEIVERS - A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY IN GERMANY (ERNSIPP STUDY) (2016) Pohlhausen S, Uhlig K, Kiesswetter E, Diekmann R, Heseker H, Volkert D, Stehle P, Lesser S Journal article Energy and Protein Intake, Anthropometrics, and Disease Burden in Elderly Home-care Receivers--A Cross-sectional Study in Germany (ErnSIPP Study) (2016) Pohlhausen S, Uhlig K, Kiesswetter E, Diekmann R, Heseker H, Volkert D, Stehle P, Lesser S Journal article Varying Associations Between Body Mass Index and Physical and Cognitive Function in Three Samples of Older Adults Living in Different Settings (2015) Kiesswetter E, Schrader E, Diekmann R, Sieber C, Volkert D Journal article Compliance with a Dietary Recommendations of the DGE associated with reduced Risk of Frailty (2014) Bollwein J, Diekmann R, Kaiser M, Bauer JM, Uter W, Sieber C, Volkert D Journal article Prognostic differences of the Mini Nutritional Assessment short form and long form in relation to 1-year functional decline and mortality in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care (2014) Kiesswetter E, Pohlhausen S, Uhlig K, Diekmann R, Lesser S, Uter W, Heseker H, et al. Journal article The nutritionDay in the Nursing Home 2007-2012-Old Age and Nutritional Status (2013) Diekmann R, Luzsa R, Kolb C, Mouhieddine M, Kosak S, Schindler K, Hiesmayr M, et al. Journal article The "nutrition Day in Nursing Homes" - large Heterogeneity between the Institutions and Occupancy of various Participating Countries (2013) Luzsa R, Volkert D, Kolb C, Mouhieddine M, Kosak S, Schindler K, Hiesmayr M, et al. Journal article Distribution but not amount of protein intake is associated with frailty: a cross-sectional investigation in the region of Nurnberg (2013) Bollwein J, Diekmann R, Kaiser M, Bauer JM, Uter W, Sieber C, Volkert D Journal article Vitamin D status and physical function in nursing home residents: a 1-year observational study (2013) Diekmann R, Winning K, Bauer J, Uter W, Stehle P, Lesser S, Bertsch T, et al. Journal article Dietary quality is related to frailty in community-dwelling older adults (2013) Bollwein J, Diekmann R, Kaiser M, Bauer J, Uter W, Sieber C, Volkert D Journal article