Dr. Birgit Stiller


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Thermodynamic Control of Nanoliter Volumes of CS2 via Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (2022) Geilen A, Popp A, Das D, Junaid S, Poulton C, Chemnitz M, Marquardt C, et al. Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Agile and Versatile Quantum Communication: Signatures and Secrets (2021) Richter S, Thornton M, Khan I, Scott H, Jaksch K, Vogl U, Stiller B, et al. Journal article Quantum measurements of signals from the Alphasat TDP1 laser communication terminal (2017) Elser D, Günthner K, Khan I, Stiller B, Bayraktar Ö, Müller C, Saucke K, et al. Conference contribution Single sideband microwave to optical photon conversion-an electro-optic realization (2017) Rueda A, Sedlmeir F, Collodo M, Vogl U, Stiller B, Schunk G, Strekalov DV, et al. Conference contribution Quantum-limited measurements of optical signals from a satellite in geostationary earth orbit (2017) Günthner K, Khan I, Elser D, Stiller B, Bayraktar Ö, Müller C, Saucke K, et al. Conference contribution Efficient single sideband microwave to optical conversion using a LiNbO3 WGM-resonator (2016) Rueda A, Sedlmeir F, Collodo M, Vogl U, Stiller B, Schunk G, Strekalov DV, et al. Conference contribution Nonlinear single sideband microwave to optical conversion using an electro-optic WGM-resonator (2016) Rueda A, Sedlmeir F, Collodo M, Vogl U, Stiller B, Schunk G, Strekalov DV, et al. Conference contribution Attacks on practical quantum key distribution systems (and how to prevent them) (2016) Jain N, Stiller B, Khan I, Elser DA, Marquardt C, Leuchs G Journal article Efficient microwave to optical photon conversion: An electro-optical realization (2016) Rueda A, Sedlmeir F, Collodo M, Vogl U, Stiller B, Schunk G, Strekalov DV, et al. Journal article Quantum-limited measurements of signals from geostationary earth orbit (2016) Elser D, Günthner K, Khan I, Stiller B, Bayraktar Ö, Müller C, Saucke K, et al. Conference contribution