Dr. Thorsten Seehaus


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Rapid glacier retreat and downwasting throughout the European Alps in the early 21st century (2020) Sommer C, Malz P, Seehaus T, Lippl S, Zemp M, Braun M Journal article Novel Techniques for Void Filling in Glacier Elevation Change Data Sets (2020) Seehaus T, Morgenshtern V, Hübner F, Bänsch E, Braun M Journal article 60 years of glacier elevation and mass changes in the Maipo River Basin, central Andes of Chile (2020) Farías Barahona D, Ayala Á, Bravo C, Vivero S, Seehaus T, Vijay S, Schaefer M, et al. Journal article Detailed quantification of glacier elevation and mass changes in South Georgia (2020) Farías Barahona D, Sommer C, Sauter T, Bannister D, Seehaus T, Malz P, Casassa G, et al. Journal article Die Gletscher der Anden im Klimawandel (2020) Seehaus T Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Mass balance and area changes of glaciers in the Cordillera Real and Tres Cruces, Bolivia, between 2000 and 2016 (2020) Seehaus T, Malz P, Sommer C, Soruco A, Rabatel A, Braun M Journal article, Original article Changes of the tropical glaciers throughout Peru between 2000 and 2016 - Mass balance and area fluctuations (2019) Seehaus T, Malz P, Sommer C, Lippl S, Cochachin A, Braun M Journal article Spatial and Temporal Variability of Glacier Surface Velocities and Outlet Areas on James Ross Island, Northern Antarctic Peninsula. (2019) Lippl S, Friedl P, Kittel C, Marinsek S, Seehaus T, Braun M Journal article, Online publication Continent wide monitoring of glacier surface elevation changes and glacer mass balances (2019) Seehaus T, Malz P, Sommer C, Farías Barahona D, Braun M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Constraining glacier elevation and mass changes in South America (2019) Braun M, Malz P, Sommer C, Farías Barahona D, Sauter T, Casassa G, Soruco A, et al. Journal article, Letter
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