Steffen Oppel


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Generation of N00N-like interferences with two thermal light sources (2018) Bhatti D, Classen A, Oppel S, Schneider R, von Zanthier J Journal article Directional Dicke Subradiance with Nonclassical and Classical Light Sources (2018) Bhatti D, Schneider R, Oppel S, von Zanthier J Journal article An optical multimode fiber as pseudothermal light source (2017) Mehringer T, Oppel S, von Zanthier J Journal article Dicke superradiance and hanbury brown and twiss intensity interference: Two sides of the same coin (2017) Wiegner R, Oppel S, Bhatti D, Agarwal GS, von Zanthier J Conference contribution Hong–Ou–Mandel interference without beam splitters (2017) Mährlein S, Oppel S, Wiegner R, von Zanthier J Journal article Simulating Dicke-like superradiance with classical light sources (2016) Bhatti D, Oppel S, Wiegner R, Agarwal G, von Zanthier J Journal article Simulating superradiance from higher-order-intensity-correlation measurements: Single atoms (2015) Wiegner R, Oppel S, Bhatti D, von Zanthier J, Agarwal GS Journal article Directional Superradiant Emission from Statistically Independent Incoherent Nonclassical and Classical Sources (2014) Oppel S, Wiegner R, Agarwal GS, von Zanthier J Journal article Superresolving Multiphoton Interferences with Independent Light Sources (2012) Oppel S, Büttner T, Kok P, von Zanthier J Journal article Active laser frequency stabilization using neutral praseodymium (Pr) (2010) Oppel S, Guthörlein GH, Kaenders W, von Zanthier J Journal article