Dr. Ingo Kreykenbohm


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The giant outburst of 4U 0115+634 in 2011 with Suzaku and RXTE: Minimizing cyclotron line biases (2020) Kühnel M, Kreykenbohm I, Ferrigno C, Pottschmidt K, Marcu-Cheatham DM, Fuerst F, Rothschild RE, et al. Journal article Model-independent search for neutrino sources with the ANTARES neutrino telescope (2020) Albert A, André M, Anghinolfi M, Anton G, Ardid M, Aubert JJ, Avgitas T, et al. Journal article Advances in Understanding High-Mass X-ray Binaries with INTEGRALand Future Directions (2019) Kretschmar P, Furst F, Sidoli L, Bozzo E, Alfonso-Garzon J, Bodaghee A, Chaty S, et al. Journal article A Search for Cosmic Neutrino and Gamma-Ray Emitting Transients in 7.3 yr of ANTARES and Fermi LAT Data (2019) Solares HAA, Cowen DF, Delaunay JJ, Fox DB, Keivani A, Mostafa M, Murase K, et al. Journal article Ultra-violet imaging of the night-time earth by EUSO-Balloon towards space-based ultra-high energy cosmic ray observations (2019) Abdellaoui G, Abe S, Adams JH, Ahriche A, Allard D, Allen L, Alonso G, et al. Journal article ANTARES Neutrino Search for Time and Space Correlations with IceCube High-energy Neutrino Events (2019) Albert A, Andre M, Anghinolfi M, Anton G, Ardid M, Aubert JJ, Aublin J, et al. Journal article Measuring the atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters and constraining the 3+1 neutrino model with ten years of ANTARES data (2019) Albert A, André M, Anghinolfi M, Anton G, Ardid M, Aubert JJ, Aublin J, et al. Journal article Observatory science with eXTP (2019) In'T Zand JJM, Bozzo E, Qu J, Li XD, Amati L, Chen Y, Donnarumma I, et al. Journal article The enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission-eXTP (2019) Zhang S, Santangelo A, Feroci M, Xu Y, Lu F, Chen Y, Feng H, et al. Journal article, Review article Cyclotron lines in highly magnetized neutron stars (2019) Staubert R, Truemper J, Kendziorra E, Klochkov D, Postnov K, Kretschmar P, Pottschmidt K, et al. Journal article