Prof. Dr. Peter Christian Müller


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Kratom use for depression/anxiety self-management: challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic – A case report (2021) Müller E, Hillemacher T, Müller CP Journal article Pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia: Mechanisms of antipsychotic accumulation, therapeutic action and failure (2021) Chestnykh D, Amato D, Kornhuber J, Müller CP Journal article Sex-Dependent Alcohol Instrumentalization Goals in Non-Addicted Alcohol Consumers versus Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder: Longitudinal Change and Outcome Prediction (2021) Müller CP, Mühle C, Kornhuber J, Lenz B Journal article The effects of chronic mitragynine (Kratom) exposure on the EEG in rats (2021) Suhaimi FW, Hassan Z, Mansor SM, Müller CP Journal article Cross-reinstatement of mitragynine and morphine place preference in rats (2021) Japarin RA, Yusoff NH, Hassan Z, Müller CP, Harun N Journal article Neutral Sphingomyelinase is an Affective Valence-Dependent Regulator of Learning and Memory (2021) Kalinichenko L, Abdel-Hafiz L, Wang AL, Mühle C, Rösel N, Schumacher F, Kleuser B, et al. Journal article Neutral sphingomyelinase mediates the co-morbidity trias of alcohol abuse, major depression and bone defects (2021) Kalinichenko L, Mühle C, Jia T, Anderheiden F, Datz M, Eberle AL, Eulenburg V, et al. Journal article Presynaptic vesicular accumulation is required for antipsychotic efficacy in psychotic-like rats (2021) Uzuneser T, Weiss EM, Dahlmanns J, Kalinichenko L, Amato D, Kornhuber J, Alzheimer C, et al. Journal article, Original article Serelaxin activates eNOS, suppresses inflammation, attenuates developmental delay and improves cognitive functions of neonatal rats after germinal matrix hemorrhage (2020) Xu MM, Seyler L, Bäuerle T, Kalinichenko L, Müller CP, Huttner H, Schwab S, Manaenko A Journal article Association of a CAMK2A genetic variant with logical memory performance and hippocampal volume in the elderly (2020) Rhein C, Mühle C, Lenz B, Richter-Schmidinger T, Kogias G, Boix F, Lourdusamy A, et al. Journal article