Manon Bertram


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Electrochemically controlled energy storage in a norbornadiene-based solar fuel with 99% reversibility (2019) Waidhas F, Jevric M, Fromm L, Bertram M, Görling A, Moth-Poulsen K, Brummel O, Libuda J Journal article Quantitative Analysis of the Oxidation State of Cobalt Oxides by Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy (2019) Lykhach Y, Piccinin S, Skála T, Bertram M, Tsud N, Brummel O, Farnesi Camellone M, et al. Journal article Preparation of complex model electrocatalysts in ultra-high vacuum and transfer into the electrolyte for electrochemical IR spectroscopy and other techniques (2018) Faisal F, Bertram M, Stumm C, Waidhas F, Brummel O, Libuda J Journal article Atomically-defined model catalysts in ultrahigh vacuum and in liquid electrolytes: particle size-dependent CO adsorption on Pt nanoparticles on ordered Co3O4(111) films (2018) Faisal F, Stumm C, Bertram M, Wähler T, Schuster R, Xiang F, Lytken O, et al. Journal article Nanoscale Morphological and Structural Transformations of PtCu Alloy Electrocatalysts during Potentiodynamic Cycling (2018) Khalakhan I, Waidhas F, Brummel O, Vorokhta M, Kus P, Yakovlev Y, Bertram M, et al. Journal article Electrocatalysis with Atomically Defined Model Systems: Metal-Support Interactions between Pt Nanoparticles and Co3O4(111) under Ultrahigh Vacuum and in Liquid Electrolytes (2018) Faisal F, Bertram M, Stumm C, Wähler T, Schuster R, Lykhach Y, Neitzel A, et al. Journal article Dehydrogenation of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers on Supported Pd Model Catalysts: Carbon Incorporation Under Operation Conditions (2018) Schuster R, Waidhas F, Bertram M, Runge H, Geile S, Shayduk R, Abuin M, et al. Journal article Electrifying model catalysts for understanding electrocatalytic reactions in liquid electrolytes (2018) Faisal F, Stumm C, Bertram M, Waidhas F, Lykhach Y, Cherevko S, Xiang F, et al. Journal article Atomically Defined Co3O4(111) Thin Films Prepared in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Stability under Electrochemical Conditions (2018) Faisal F, Bertram M, Stumm C, Cherevko S, Geiger S, Kasian O, Lykhach Y, et al. Journal article Atomically Defined Co 3 O 4 (111) Thin Films Prepared in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Stability under Electrochemical Conditions (2018) Faisal F, Bertram M, Stumm C, Cherevko S, Geiger S, Kasian O, Lykhach Y, et al. Journal article