apl. Prof. Dr. Alexander Hein


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The UGT1A6_19_GG genotype is a breast cancer risk factor (2013) Justenhoven C, Obazee O, Winter S, Rabstein S, Lotz A, Harth V, Pesch B, et al. Journal article Amplified cold transduction in native nociceptors by M-channel inhibition (2013) Vetter I, Hein A, Sattler S, Heßler S, Touska F, Bressan E, Parra A, et al. Journal article Comparison of 6q25 breast cancer hits from Asian and European genome wide association studies in the Breast Cancer Association consortium (BCAC) (2012) Hein R, Maranian M, Hopper JL, Kapuscinski MK, Southey MC, Park DJ, Schmidt MK, et al. Journal article Characterizing mammographic images by using generic texture features (2012) Häberle L, Wagner F, Fasching P, Jud S, Heusinger K, Löhberg C, Hein A, et al. Journal article Circulating micro-RNAs as potential blood-based markers for early stage breast cancer detection (2012) Schrauder MG, Strick R, Schulz-Wendtland R, Strissel P, Kahmann L, Loehberg CR, Lux MP, et al. Journal article Accuracy of radiological tumour size assessment and the risk for re-excision in a cohort of primary breast cancer patients (2012) Meier-Meitinger M, Rauh C, Adamietz B, Fasching P, Schwab S, Häberle L, Hein A, et al. Journal article Percent mammographic density and dense area as risk factors for breast cancer (2012) Rauh C, Hack C, Häberle L, Hein A, Engel A, Schrauder MG, Fasching P, et al. Journal article Evaluation of variation in the phosphoinositide-3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha oncogene and breast cancer risk (2011) Stevens KN, Garcia-Closas M, Fredericksen Z, Kosel M, Pankratz VS, Hopper JL, Dite GS, et al. Journal article Ki67, chemotherapy response, and prognosis in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant treatment (2011) Fasching PA, Heusinger K, Haeberle L, Niklos M, Hein A, Bayer CM, Rauh C, et al. Journal article Transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 5 (TRPC5) is a cold-transducer in the peripheral nervous system (2011) Zimmermann K, Lennerz JK, Hein A, Link A, Kaczmarek JS, Delling M, Uysal S, et al. Journal article