Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erik Bitzek

Picture of Erik Bitzek


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Shearing in a biomimetic apatite-protein composite: Molecular dynamics of slip zone formation, plastic flow and backcreep mechanisms (2014) Zahn D, Bitzek E Journal article, Original article Fracture toughness and bond trapping of grain boundary cracks (2014) Möller J, Bitzek E Journal article, Original article Combining atomistic simulation and x-ray diffraction for the characterization of nanostructures: A case study on fivefold twinned nanowires (2014) Niekiel F, Bitzek E, Spiecker E Journal article, Original article Reversible cyclic deformation mechanism of gold nanowires by twinning-detwinning transition evidenced from in situ TEM (2014) Lee S, Im J, Yoo Y, Bitzek E, Kiener D, Richter G, Kim B, Oh SH Journal article, Original article Influence of specimen geometry on temperature increase during ultrasonic fatigue testing (2013) Bach J, Höppel HW, Bitzek E, Göken M Journal article FE2AT - Finite element informed atomistic simulations (2013) Möller J, Prakash A, Bitzek E Journal article Influence of specimen geometry on temperature increase during ultrasonic fatigue testing (2013) Bach J, Göken M, Bitzek E, Höppel HW Journal article Influence of specimen geometry on temperature increase during ultrasonic fatigue testing (2013) Bach J, Höppel HW, Bitzek E, Göken M Journal article, Original article Atomistic Model Analysis of Local and Global Instabilities in Crystals at Finite Temperature (2013) Umeno Y, Nöhring WG, Iskandarov A, Bitzek E Journal article Mechanisms of dislocation multiplication at crack tips (2013) Bitzek E, Gumbsch P Journal article