Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erik Bitzek

Picture of Erik Bitzek


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




A multiscale simulation framework of the accumulative roll bonding process accounting for texture evolution (2015) Prakash A, Nöhring WG, Lebensohn RA, Höppel HW, Bitzek E Journal article Impact of twin boundaries on bulk elastic constants: Density-functional theory data for Young's modulus of Ag (2015) Klöffel T, Bitzek E, Meyer B Journal article Atom probe informed simulations of dislocation-precipitate interactions reveal the importance of local interface curvature (2015) Prakash A, Guenole J, Wang J, Müller J, Spiecker E, Mills MJ, Povstugar I, et al. Journal article, Original article On the influence of crack front curvature on the fracture behavior of nanoscale cracks (2015) Möller J, Bitzek E Journal article, Original article Nanotwinned silver nanowires: Structure and mechanical properties (2015) Kobler A, Beuth T, Klöffel T, Prang R, Moosmann M, Seherer T, Walheim S, et al. Journal article Controlling the diameter of aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes on quartz via catalyst reduction time (2015) Schweiger M, Schaudig M, Gannott F, Killian M, Bitzek E, Schmuki P, Zaumseil J Journal article Atomistic aspects of fracture (2015) Bitzek E, Kermode JR, Gumbsch P Journal article Comparative study of embedded atom potentials for atomistic simulations of fracture in α-iron (2014) Möller J, Bitzek E Journal article Atomistic Simulations of Compression Tests on Ni3Al Nanocubes (2014) Amodeo J, Begau C, Bitzek E Journal article Atomistic model analysis of local and global instabilities in crystals at finite temperature (2014) Umeno Y, Nöhring WG, Iskandarov A, Bitzek E Journal article
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