PD Dr. Bernhard Lucke


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Groundwater in the Na’ur area, Jordan: movement and pollution under changes in landscape uses (2024) Alsawaeir D, Abu-Jaber N, Lücke A, Mayr C, Lucke B Journal article Spectral Characteristics of Soil Types in Northwestern Jordan Considering Iron Oxides Effects and Colors (2022) Sahwan W, Lucke B, Sprafke T, Vanselow K, Bäumler R Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Holocene dust dynamics archives in archaeological ruins in arid and semi-arid environments in the Southern Levant (2021) Lucke B, Bäumler R Journal article Quaternary influx of proximal coarse-grained dust altered circum-Mediterranean soil productivity and impacted early human culture (2021) Lucke B Journal article A contribution to soil fertility assessment for arid and semi-arid lands (2021) Hag Mohamed Husein H, Lucke B, Bäumler R, Sahwan W Journal article, Review article Relationships between spectral features, iron oxides and colours of surface soils in northern Jordan (2020) Sahwan W, Lucke B, Sprafke T, Vanselow K, Bäumler R Journal article Development, distribution and palaeoenvironmental significance of terrestrial carbonates in the Petra region, southern Jordan (2020) Abu-Jaber N, Rambeau C, Hamarneh C, Lucke B, Inglis R, Alqudah M Journal article Composition of Modern Dust and Holocene Aeolian Sediments in Archaeological Structures of the Southern Levant (2019) Lucke B, Sandler A, Vanselow K, Bruins HJ, Abu-Jaber N, Bäumler R, Porat N, Kouki P Journal article Quartz grain surfaces - A potential microarchive for sedimentation processes and parent material identification in soils of Jordan (2019) Kemnitz H, Lucke B Journal article Character, rates, and environmental significance of holocene dust accumulation in archaeological hilltop ruins in the southern levant (2019) Lucke B, Roskin J, Vanselow K, Bruins HJ, Abu-Jaber N, Deckers K, Lindauer S, et al. Journal article