Dr. rer. biol. hum. Folkert Horn


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Autoantibodies Activating the β2-Adrenergic Receptor Characterize Patients With Primary and Secondary Glaucoma (2019) Hohberger B, Kunze R, Wallukat G, Kara K, Mardin CY, Lämmer R, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, et al. Journal article Steady-State Visually Evoked Potentials Elicited by Multifrequency Pattern-Reversal Stimulation (2019) Hohberger B, Kremers J, Horn F Journal article, Original article OCT and IOP findings in a healthy worker cohort: results from a teleophthalmic study in occupational medicine (2019) Grau E, Horn F, Nixdorff U, Michelson G Journal article Predictive Factors for Visual Field Conversion: Comparison of Scanning Laser Polarimetry and Optical Coherence Tomography (2018) Diekmann T, Schrems-Hösl LM, Mardin CY, Lämmer R, Horn F, Kruse F, Schrems W Journal article Development of a binocular video-ophthalmoscope to compare parameters of heart beat induced blood volume changes between both eyes (2018) Tornow RP, Horn F, Odstrcilik J, Kolar R Conference contribution Agonistic Autoantibodies to the β2-Adrenergic Receptor Involved in the Pathogenesis of Open-Angle Glaucoma (2018) Juenemann A, Hohberger B, Rech J, Sheriff A, Fu Q, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Voll RE, et al. Journal article Comparison of frequency doubling and flicker defined form perimetry in early glaucoma (2016) Horn F, Scharch V, Mardin CY, Lämmer R, Kremers J Journal article Steady-state multifocal visual evoked potential (ssmfVEP) using dartboard stimulation as a possible tool for objective visual field assessment (2016) Horn F, Selle F, Hohberger B, Kremers J Journal article Recovery time as a potential new progression parameter for patients with advanced glaucomatous optic atrophy (2016) Hohberger B, Misslinger S, Horn F, Kremers J Journal article Confocal Laser Scanning Tomography to Predict Visual Field Conversion in Patients With Ocular Hypertension and Early Glaucoma (2016) Schrems-Hösl LM, Schrems W, Lämmer R, Horn F, Jünemann A, Kruse F, Mardin CY Journal article