Dr. Sebastian Teichert


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Habitat characteristics and carbonate cycling of macrophyte-supported polar carbonate factories (Svalbard)) - Cruise No. MSM55 – June 11 – June 29, 2016 – Reykjavik (Iceland) – Longyearbyen (Norway) (2017) Wisshak M, Bartholomä A, Beuck L, Büscher J, Freiwald A, Halfar J, Hetzinger S, et al. Other publication type, Expeditionsbericht Early Jurassic anoxia triggered the evolution of the oldest holoplanktonic gastropod Coelodiscus minutus by means of heterochrony (2015) Teichert S, Nützel A Journal article, Original article A new Early Jurassic gastropod from Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic – one of the oldest known holoplanktonic gastropods (2015) Nützel A, Schneider S, Hülse P, Kelly S, Teichert S, Veit R Conference contribution Hollow rhodoliths increase Svalbard's shelf biodiversity (2014) Teichert S Journal article, Original article Polar coralline algal CaCO3-production rates correspond to intensity and duration of the solar radiation (2014) Teichert S, Freiwald A Journal article, Original article Arctic rhodolith beds and their environmental controls (Spitsbergen, Norway) (2014) Teichert S, Woelkerling W, Rüggeberg A, Wisshak M, Piepenburg D, Meyerhöfer M, Form A, Freiwald A Journal article, Original article Rhodolith beds (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) and their physical and biological environment at 80°31'N in Nordkappbukta (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard Archipelago, Norway) (2012) Teichert S, Woelkerling W, Rüggeberg A, Wisshak M, Piepenburg D, Meyerhöfer M, Form A, et al. Journal article, Original article Response of an Arctic calcifying macro alga to increasing CO2 and temperature Levels: A habitat at risk? (2012) Büdenbender J, Hellemann D, Teichert S, Stange P, Form A, Riebesell U Conference contribution Polar coralline red algae as potential environmental recorder. (2010) Teichert S, Freiwald A Conference contribution Die Palökologie des Gastropoden Coelodiscus minutus aus dem Posidonienschiefer (2008) Teichert S, Nützel A Conference contribution
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