Prof. Dr. Karsten Haase


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Formation of the Troodos Ophiolite at a triple junction: Evidence from trace elements in volcanic glass (2014) Regelous M, Haase K, Freund S, Keith M, Weinzierl C, Beier C, Brandl P, et al. Journal article, Original article Petrogenesis of tertiary hornblende-bearing lavas in the rhön, germany (2013) Mayer B, Jung S, Romer R, Stracke A, Haase K, Garbe-Schönberg D Journal article, Original article High mantle temperatures following rifting caused by continental insulation (2013) Brandl P, Regelous M, Beier C, Haase K Journal article, Original article Multiple ways of producing intermediate and silicic rocks within Thingmúli and other Icelandic volcanoes (2013) Charreteur G, Tegner C, Haase K Journal article, Original article Constraints on past plate and mantle motion from new ages for the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain (2013) O'Connor J, Steinberger B, Regelous M, Koppers AAP, Wijbrans J, Haase K, Stoffers P, et al. Journal article, Original article Petrology and geochemistry of the Tertiary Suez rift volcanism, Sinai, Egypt (2013) Shallaly NA, Beier C, Haase K, Hammed MS Journal article, Original article Oxygen isotopes in the Azores islands: Crustal assimilation recorded in olivine (2013) Genske F, Beier C, Haase K, Turner SP, Krumm S, Brandl P Journal article, Original article Oxygen isotope evidence for the formation of andesitic-dacitic magmas from the fast-spreading Pacific-Antarctic Rise by assimilation-fractional crystallisation (2013) Freund S, Beier C, Krumm S, Haase K Journal article, Original article Geochemical evidence for melting of carbonated peridotite on Santa Maria Island, Azores (2013) Beier C, Mata J, Stoeckhert F, Mattielli N, Brandl P, Madureira P, Genske F, et al. Journal article, Original article The Relationships Between Volcanism, Tectonism, and Hydrothermal Activity on the Southern Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge (2013) Devey C, German C, Haase K, Lackschewitz K, Melcher B, Connelly D Authored book, other