Prof. Dr. Stephan von Hörsten


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Myeloperoxidase Modulates Inflammation in Generalized Pustular Psoriasis and Additional Rare Pustular Skin Diseases (2020) Haskamp S, Bruns H, Hahn M, Hoffmann M, Gregor A, Löhr S, Hahn J, et al. Journal article Imbalance of the oxytocin-vasopressin system contributes to the neuropsychiatric phenotype in the BACHD mouse model of Huntington disease (2020) Cheong RY, Tonetto S, von Hörsten S, Petersén Å Journal article Thirty Mouse Strain Survey of Voluntary Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure: Influence of Strain, Sex and Day–Night Variation (2020) König C, Plank AC, Kapp A, Timotius I, von Hörsten S, Zimmermann K Journal article Molecular cross-talk between Y5-receptor and neuropeptide Y drives liver cancer (2020) Dietrich P, Wormser L, Fritz V, Seitz T, de Maria M, Schambony A, Kremer A, et al. Journal article Amyloid-beta peptides trigger aggregation of alpha-synuclein in vitro (2020) Köppen J, Schulze A, Machner L, Wermann M, Eichentopf R, Guthardt M, Hähnel A, et al. Journal article A Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor Modulator Attenuated Secondary Brain Injury and Improved Neurological Functions of Mice after ICH (2020) Bobinger T, Bäuerle T, Seyler L, von Hörsten S, Schwab S, Huttner H, Manaenko A Journal article Dipeptidylpeptidase 4 as a Marker of Activated Fibroblasts and a Potential Target for the Treatment of Fibrosis in Systemic Sclerosis (2020) Soare A, Györfi AH, Matei AE, Dees C, Rauber S, Wohlfahrt T, Chen CW, et al. Journal article Silhouette-Length-Scaled Gait Parameters for Motor Functional Analysis in Mice and Rats (2019) Timotius I, Moceri S, Plank AC, Habermeyer J, Canneva F, Winkler J, Klucken J, et al. Journal article, Original article Differential severity of LPS-induced lung injury in CD26/DPP4 positive and deficient F344 rats (2019) Zientara A, Stephan M, von Hörsten S, Schmiedl A Journal article Systematic data analysis and data mining in CatWalk gait analysis by heat mapping exemplified in rodent models for neurodegenerative diseases (2019) Timotius I, Canneva F, Minakaki G, Moceri S, Plank AC, Casadei N, Riess O, et al. Journal article, Original article
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