Dr. Sven Messing


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Sub-national structures matter when evaluating physical activity promotion: Lessons from Germany (2020) Forberger S, Gelius P, Messing S, Volf K, Kelly L, Taylor S, Zukowska J, et al. Conference contribution Systematic review examining the evidence for impact of school policies on physical activity (2020) Volf K, Kelly L, Bengoechea EG, Gobis A, Lakerveld J, Zukowska J, Gelius P, et al. Conference contribution What are effective policies for promoting physical activity? A systematic review of reviews (2020) Gelius P, Messing S, Goodwin L, Schow D, Abu-Omar K Journal article, Review article A Physical Activity Policy Audit of four PEN countries: What can we learn for sustainability and health promotion? (2020) Messing S Conference contribution, other Improving the food environment in kindergartens and schools: An overview of policies and policy opportunities in Europe (2020) Kovacs VA, Messing S, Sandu P, Nardone P, Pizzi E, Hassapidou M, Brukalo K, et al. Journal article German recommendations for physical activity and physical activity promotion in adults with noncommunicable diseases (2020) Geidl W, Abu-Omar K, Weege MH, Messing S, Pfeifer K Journal article, Original article The evolution of physical activity promotion. Are we entering a liquid age? (2019) Abu-Omar K, Gelius P, Messing S Journal article, Original article Nine types of recommendations, guidelines and policies: an exploratory test of a proposed typology of physical activity promotion documents (2019) Gelius P, Messing S, Abu-Omar K Journal article, Original article How Can Physical Activity Be Promoted Among Children and Adolescents? A Systematic Review of Reviews Across Settings (2019) Messing S, Rütten A, Abu-Omar K, Ungerer-Röhrich U, Goodwin L, Burlacu I, Gediga G Journal article, Review article Nationale Empfehlungen für Bewegung und Bewegungsförderung: ältere Erwachsene und Erwachsene mit einer chronischen Erkrankung (2019) Geidl W, Abu-Omar K, Hartung V, Messing S, Rütten A, Pfeifer K Journal article, Short survey