Tabea Ott


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




A Review and Tutorial on Machine Learning- Enabled Radar-Based Biomedical Monitoring (2024) Krauß D, Engel L, Ott T, Bräunig J, Richer R, Gambietz M, Albrecht N, et al. Journal article Lebensschutz und rechte Ideologien (2024) Ott T Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Mehr Wissenschaftskommunikation, bitte! Warum gute ELSI-Forschung gute Wissenschaftskommunikation braucht (2024) Tretter M, Hahn M, Ott T Conference contribution, Conference Contribution AI-produced certainties in health care: current and future challenges (2023) Tretter M, Ott T, Dabrock P Journal article, Original article Vulnerable Integrity – Theological-Ethical Reflections on Human Integrity and Integrity Violations (2023) Ott T, Dabrock P Journal article, Original article Towards an Ethics for the Healthcare Metaverse (2023) Tretter M, Samhammer D, Ott T, Dabrock P Journal article, Original article Intersektionale Theoriebildung und ihre Impulse für eine theologische Sozialethik angesichts algorithmischer Klassifizierung (2023) Ott T Conference contribution Palliative Care and new technologies. The use of smart sensor technologies and its impact on the Total Care principle (2023) Ott T, Heckel M, Öhl N, Steigleder T, Albrecht N, Ostgathe C, Dabrock P Journal article Die Sinnfrage in der Seelsorge (2023) Naumann T, Kießling A, Ott T, Simmerlein J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Überlegungen zur menschlichen Integrität im Kontext digitaler Datensammlungen (2023) Ott T Conference contribution