Christian Schulbert

Picture of Christian Schulbert


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Ultrastructure of the epidermal gland system of Tetranchyroderma suecicum Boaden, 1960 (Gastrotricha: Macrodasyida) indicates a defensive function of its exudate (2019) Schnier J, Ahlrichs W, Gruhl A, Schulbert C, Teichert S, Kieneke A Journal article, Original article A Piranha-like pycnodontiform fish from the Late Jurassic (2018) Kölbl-Ebert M, Ebert M, Bellwood DR, Schulbert C Journal article The reefs of the Arctic - photoautotrophic ecosystem engineers endangered by microplastic and climate change? (2018) Teichert S, Löder M, Laforsch C, Pyko I, Schulbert C, Wisshak M Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture What is boring? - Arctic reef structures as a habitat for boring organisms (2018) Pyko I, Munnecke A, Schulbert C, Wisshak M, Teichert S Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster Die moderne Computer-Tomographie (Modell v|tome|x s 240 von GE/Phoenix) am Lehrstuhl für Paläoumwelt (GZN, Erlangen) – Methodik und Anwendungsbeispiele (2017) Schulbert C, Koch R Journal article, Original article Faunenumschwung im frühen Jura Frankens (2017) Nützel A, Schulbert C Journal article, Original article A new Pycnodontid (Actinopterygii) in the late Jurassic of the Solnhofen Archipelago (2017) Kölbl-Ebert M, Ebert M, Schulbert C Journal article, Original article New exposure of the Ludwigskanal section near Dorlbach - a key section for the Lower Jurassic in the Franconian Alb, Southern Germany (2014) Arp G, Aiglstorfer M, Havlik P, Krause T, Schulbert C, Seppelt S Journal article Der Jurensismergel von Mistelgau (2013) Schulbert C Journal article Gastropods from the Early/Middle Jurassic transition of Franconia (Southern Germany). (2013) Schulbert C, Nützel A Journal article
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