Dr. Matthias Hennemann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




CypScore: Quantitative Prediction of Reactivity toward Cytochrornes P450 Based on Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Theory (2009) Hennemann M, Friedl A, Lobell M, Keldenich J, Hillisch A, Clark T, Göller AH Journal article The Effect of a Complexed Lithium Cation on a Norcarane-Based Radical Clock (2009) Jäger C, Hennemann M, Clark T Journal article An ab initio and density functional theory study of radical-clock reactions (2008) Jäger C, Hennemann M, Mieszala A, Clark T Journal article Halogen bonding: the sigma-hole (2007) Clark T, Hennemann M, Murray JS, Politzer P Journal article In silico prediction of buffer solubility based on quantum-mechanical and HQSAR- and topology-based descriptors (2006) Göller AH, Hennemann M, Keldenich J, Clark T Journal article Near-infrared Fourier transform surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy of 1,4-benzodiazepine drugs employing gold films over nanospheres (2004) Schneider S, Hennemann M, Clark T Journal article Intramolecular Reactivity of Pi-Coordinated P-Heterocycles: How to Form Five-Membered Rings out of Phosphaalkynes (2002) Clark T, Binger P, Heinemann FW, Hennemann M, Pritzkow H, Toepffer C, Zenneck U Journal article Ambiphilicity: A Characteristic Reactivity Principle of Pi-Bound Phosphorus Heterocycles (2002) Clark T, Toepffer C, Heinemann FW, Hennemann M, Zenneck U Journal article Solvation Largely Accounts for the Effect of N-Alkylation on the Properties of Nickel(II/I) and Chromium(III/II) Cyclam Complexes (2002) Clark T, Hennemann M, van Eldik R Journal article A QSPR-approach to the estimation of the pK(HB) of six-membered nitrogen-heterocycles using quantum mechanically derived descriptors (2002) Hennemann M, Clark T Journal article
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