Yaroslava Lykhach


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Reduction of Pt2+ species in model Pt-CeO2 fuel cell catalysts upon reaction with methanol (2016) Neitzel A, Johanek V, Lykhach Y, Skala T, Tsud N, Vorokhta M, Matolin V, Libuda J Journal article Atomically Dispersed Pd, Ni, and Pt Species in Ceria-Based Catalysts: Principal Differences in Stability and Reactivity (2016) Neitzel A, Figueroba A, Lykhach Y, Skala T, Vorokhta M, Tsud N, Mehl S, et al. Journal article Reactivity of atomically dispersed Pt2+ species towards H-2: model Pt-CeO2 fuel cell catalyst (2016) Lykhach Y, Figueroba A, Camellone MF, Neitzel A, Skala T, Negreiros FR, Vorokhta M, et al. Journal article Counting electrons on supported nanoparticles (2016) Lykhach Y, Kozlov SM, Skala T, Tovt A, Stetsovych V, Tsud N, Dvorak F, et al. Journal article Steering the formation of supported Pt-Sn nanoalloys by reactive metal-oxide interaction (2016) Neitzel A, Kovacs G, Lykhach Y, Tsud N, Kozlov SM, Skala T, Vorokhta M, et al. Journal article Decomposition of Acetic Acid on Model Pt/CeO2 Catalysts: The Effect of Surface Crowding (2015) Neitzel A, Lykhach Y, Johanek V, Tsud N, Skala T, Prince KC, Matolin V, Libuda J Journal article Adsorption and Activation of CO on Co3O4(111) Thin Films (2015) Ferstl P, Mehl S, Arman MA, Schuler M, Toghan A, Laszlo B, Lykhach Y, et al. Journal article, Original article Maximum Noble-Metal Efficiency in Catalytic Materials: Atomically Dispersed Surface Platinum (2014) Bruix A, Lykhach Y, Matolinova I, Neitzel A, Skala T, Tsud N, Vorokhta M, et al. Journal article Role of Oxygen in Acetic Acid Decomposition on Pt(111) (2014) Neitzel A, Lykhach Y, Johanek V, Tsud N, Skala T, Prince KC, Matolin V, Libuda J Journal article The Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Oxygenate Reforming: C-C Bond Scission, Carbon Formation, and Noble-Metal-Free Oxide Catalysts (2014) Lykhach Y, Neitzel A, Sevcikova K, Johanek V, Tsud N, Skala T, Prince KC, et al. Journal article
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