Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The foundations of the Patagonian icefields (2024) Fürst J, Farías Barahona D, Blindow N, Casassa G, Gacitúa G, Koppes M, Lodolo E, et al. Journal article Velocity variations and hydrological drainage at Baltoro Glacier, Pakistan (2024) Wendleder A, Bramboeck J, Izzard J, Erbertseder T, D'Angelo P, Schmitt A, Quincey DJ, et al. Journal article Contextual HookFormer for Glacier Calving Front Segmentation (2024) Wu F, Gourmelon N, Seehaus T, Zhang J, Braun M, Maier A, Christlein V Journal article, Original article A Drone-Based 0.7-4.7 GHz FMCW Radar System for High-Resolution Exploration of Subsurface Glacier Structures (2023) Stelzig M, Benedikter A, Kleinlein M, Haberberger N, Krabbe L, Lomakin K, Braun M, et al. Conference contribution Out-of-the-box Calving Front Detection Method Using Deep Learning (2023) Herrmann O, Gourmelon N, Seehaus T, Maier A, Fürst J, Braun M, Christlein V Journal article, Original article Estimating ice discharge of the Antarctic Peninsula using different ice-thickness datasets (2023) Shahateet K, Navarro F, Seehaus T, Fürst J, Braun M Journal article Insights into German polar research during POLARSTUNDE (2023) Zuhr AM, Loebel E, Muchow M, Dennis D, von Albedyll L, Kruse F, Kassens H, et al. Journal article CaFFe - a Benchmark Dataset for Glacier Calving Front Extraction from Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery (2023) Gourmelon N, Seehaus T, Klink J, Braun M, Maier A, Christlein V Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Conditional Random Fields for Improving Deep Learning-based Glacier Calving Front Delineations (2023) Gourmelon N, Klink J, Seehaus T, Braun M, Maier A, Christlein V Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Big data in Antarctic sciences-current status, gaps, and future perspectives (2023) Graiff A, Braun M, Driemel A, Ebbing J, Grossart HP, Harder T, Hoffman JI, et al. Journal article, Review article