Dr.-Ing. Peter Bazan


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Hybrid Simulation of Smart Energy Systems (2017) Bazan P Thesis Dynamische Simulation der Integration großer Niedertemperatur-Speicher (2017) Bazan P, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution SWARM - Providing 1 MW PCR Power with Residential PV-Battery Energy Storage - Simulation and Empiric Validation (2017) Steber D, Pruckner M, Bazan P, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Including a virtual battery storage into thermal unit commitment (2017) Steber D, Pruckner M, Schlund J, Bazan P, German R Journal article, Original article A Short Tutorial On Using SGsim Framework For Smart Grid Applications (2016) Awad A, Bazan P, German R Conference contribution A Formal Model for Stateful and Variant-rich Automotive Functions (2016) Käßmeyer M, Bazan P, Schurius M, German R Conference contribution, Original article Co-Simulation-Based Evaluation of Volt-VAR Control (2016) Awad A, Bazan P, Kassem R, German R Conference contribution Toward an MDD-based Analysis of Stateful and Variant-rich Automotive Functions (2016) Käßmeyer M, Berndt R, Bazan P, German R Conference contribution SWARM – Different strategies and first experiences of providing frequency containment reserve power with distributed battery energy storage systems (2016) Steber D, Bazan P, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Simulation dezentraler vernetzter Speicher mit Teilnahme am Regelleistungsmarkt (2016) Steber D, Bazan P, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
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