Prof. Dr. Harald Hungenberg

Picture of Harald Hungenberg


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Reinvestment, Resolution, Resignation: Effects of Threat and Perceived Control on Resource Rigidity (2008) König A, Hungenberg H, Schöberl M, Enders A, Albert D Conference contribution, Original article Industry Associations as Driver of Incumbent Inertia (2008) Schulte M, König A, Enders A, Hungenberg H Conference contribution, Original article The long tail of social networking. Revenue models of social networking sites (2008) Hungenberg H, Enders A, Denker HP, Mauch S Journal article Towards an Integrated Perspective of Strategy – The Value-Process Framework (2008) König A, Hungenberg H, Enders A, Engelbertz T Book chapter / Article in edited volumes A Multilevel Model of Incumbent Response to Discontinuous Technological Change (2007) König A, Hungenberg H, Enders A, Bockmühl S Conference contribution, Original article Management Support and the Performance of Entrepreneurial Start-ups - An Empirical Analysis of Performance Effects of Management Support. Offert by Venture Capital Firms to Newly Founded Companies in Germany (2007) Hungenberg H, Wulf T, Stubner S Journal article Disruption and Sustaining Technology in E-Banking (2007) König A, Hungenberg H, Enders A, Jelassi T Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Erfolg von Fußball-Bundesligavereinen (2006) Hungenberg H, Wulf T Other publication type How can Music Majors increase their Success in the Market for Over-the-Air-Downloads? - The Case of Germany (2006) Hungenberg H, König A, Enders A, Jelassi T Journal article Internationale Beteiligungen - Realisierung von Synergien durch Beteiligungen und internationale Investitionen (2006) Hungenberg H Book chapter / Article in edited volumes