Prof. Dr. Regina Therese Riphahn

Picture of Regina Therese Riphahn


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Book review: Scheubel, Beatrice, Bismark's Institutions. A Historical Perspective on the Social Security Hypothesis. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen (2014) Riphahn RT Journal article, Original article Who misreports welfare receipt in surveys? (2014) Riphahn RT, Bruckmeier K, Müller G Journal article, Original article Institutional Determinants of Intergenerational Education Transmission - Comparing Alternative Mechanisms for Natives and Immigrants (2013) Riphahn RT, Bauer PC Journal article, Original article The Welfare Use of Immigrants and Natives in Germany: The Case of Turkish Immigrants (2013) Riphahn RT, Wunder C, Sander M Journal article, Original article The intergenerational transmission of education and equality of educational opportunity in East and West Germany (2013) Riphahn RT, Trübswetter P Journal article, Original article Introduction - Journal for labour market research: special issue PASS (2013) Riphahn RT, Hinz T, Trappmann M, Wolff J Journal article, Editorial Patterns of Welfare Dependence Before and After a Reform: Evidence from First Generation Immigrants and Natives in Germany (2013) Riphahn RT, Wunder C Journal article, Original article The Timing of Retirement - New Evidence from Swiss Female Workers (2012) Hanel B, Riphahn RT Journal article, Original article The Employment of Mothers - Recent Developments and their Determinants in East and West Germany (2012) Riphahn RT, Hanel B Journal article, Original article Feature: Flexible Forms of Employment: Boon and Bane (2012) Jahn E, Riphahn RT, Schnabel C Journal article, Original article