Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Arlt


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Coupling of a Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier system with industrial heat (2016) Krieger C, Müller K, Arlt W Journal article Melting Points of Potential Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier Systems Consisting of N-Alkylcarbazoles (2016) Stark K, Keil P, Schug S, Müller K, Wasserscheid P, Arlt W Journal article Development of a liquid chromatographic method for the separation of a liquid organic hydrogen carrier mixture (2016) Aslam R, Minceva M, Müller K, Arlt W Journal article, Original article Measurement of Hydrogen Solubility in Potential Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (2016) Aslam R, Müller K, Müller M, Koch M, Wasserscheid P, Arlt W Journal article Thermodynamic evaluation and carbon footprint analysis of the application of hydrogen-based energy storage systems in residential buildings (2016) Adametz P, Pötzinger C, Müller S, Müller K, Preißinger M, Lechner R, Brüggemann D, et al. Journal article Hydrogenation of the liquid organic hydrogen carrier compound dibenzyltoluene – reaction pathway determination by 1H NMR spectroscopy (2016) Do TG, Preuster P, Aslam R, Bösmann A, Müller K, Arlt W, Wasserscheid P Journal article Qualitative and quantitative insights into multiphase flow in ceramic sponges using X-ray computed tomography (2015) Wallenstein M, Hafen N, Heinzmann H, Schug S, Arlt W, Kind M, Dietrich B Journal article Hydrogen Storage: Thermochemical Studies of N-Alkylcarbazoles and Their Derivatives as a Potential Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (2015) Emel'Yanenko VN, Varfolomeev MA, Verevkin SP, Stark K, Müller K, Müller M, Bösmann A, et al. Journal article Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: Thermophysical and Thermochemical Studies of Carbazole Partly and Fully Hydrogenated Derivatives (2015) Stark K, Emel'Yanenko VN, Zhabina AA, Varfolomeev MA, Verevkin SP, Müller K, Arlt W Journal article Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: Thermophysical and Thermochemical Studies of Benzyl- and Dibenzyl-toluene Derivatives (2015) Müller K, Stark K, Emel'Yanenko VN, Varfolomeev MA, Zaitsau DH, Shoifet E, Schick C, et al. Journal article