Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Maier

Picture of Andreas Maier


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Unbiased high-dimensional flow cytometry identified NK and DC immune cell signature in Luminal A-type and triple negative breast cancer (2024) Heger L, Heidkamp GF, Amon L, Nimmerjahn F, Bäuerle T, Maier A, Erber R, et al. Journal article An interactive task-based method for the avoidance of metal artifacts in CBCT (2024) Rohleder M, Thies M, Riedl S, Bullert B, Gierse J, Privalov M, Mandelka E, et al. Journal article Unveiling Consumer Behavior in District Heating Network: A Contrastive Learning Approach to Clustering (2024) Basak P, Ramachandran A, Maier A, Bayer S Conference contribution, Original article A Week Ahead Water Demand Forecasting using Convolutional Neural Network on Multi-Channel Wavelet Scalogram (2024) Ramachandran A, Mousa H, Maier A, Bayer S Conference contribution, Original article Computing Null Space Hallucinations on Simulated SPECT Image Reconstructions (2023) Nau M, Reymann M, Massanes F, Vija AH, Maier A Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster Ressource-Efficient Moth Detection for Pest Monitoring with YOLOv5 (2023) Farooq MT, Leipert M, Maier A, Christlein V Conference contribution, Conference Contribution ORCA-SPY enables killer whale sound source simulation, detection, classification and localization using an integrated deep learning-based segmentation (2023) Hauer C, Nöth E, Barnhill A, Maier A, Guthunz J, Hofer H, Cheng RX, et al. Journal article Predictive coding and stochastic resonance as fundamental principles of auditory phantom perception (2023) Schilling A, Sedley W, Gerum RC, Metzner C, Tziridis K, Maier A, Schulze H, et al. Journal article, Review article Self-supervised MRI denoising: leveraging Stein’s unbiased risk estimator and spatially resolved noise maps (2023) Pfaff L, Hoßbach J, Preuhs E, Wagner F, Arroyo Camejo S, Kannengiesser S, Nickel D, et al. Journal article Simulation-driven training of vision transformers enables metal artifact reduction of highly truncated CBCT scans (2023) Fan F, Ritschl L, Beister M, Biniazan R, Wagner F, Kreher BW, Gottschalk T, et al. Journal article, Original article