Prof. Dr. Matthias Beckmann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Diabetes and prognosis in a breast cancer cohort (2011) Schrauder M, Fasching PA, Häberle L, Lux MP, Rauh C, Hein A, Bayer CM, et al. Journal article Estrogen receptor beta rs1271572 polymorphism and invasive ovarian carcinoma risk: Pooled analysis within the ovarian cancer association consortium (2011) Lurie G, Wilkens LR, Thompson PJ, Shvetsov YB, Matsuno RK, Carney ME, Palmieri RT, et al. Journal article Simultaneous amniotic membrane patch in high-risk keratoplasty (2011) Seitz B, Das S, Sauer R, Hofmann-Rummelt C, Beckmann M, Kruse F Journal article Breast cancer risk assessment in a mammography screening program and participation in the IBIS-II chemoprevention trial (2010) Löhberg C, Jud S, Häberle L, Heusinger K, Dilbat G, Hein A, Rauh C, et al. Journal article Documentation in Gynaecologic Oncology: Conflicts between quality management, science, efficacy, and liability Dokumentation in der gynäkologischen Onkologie: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Qualitätssicherung und Wissenschaft, Ergonomie und Rechtssicherheit (2010) Beckmann K, Jud S, Hein A, Heusinger K, Bayer CM, Schwenk M, Häberle L, Beckmann M Journal article, Review article Assessment of mammographic density before and after first full-term pregnancy (2010) Löhberg C, Heusinger K, Jud S, Häberle L, Hein A, Rauh C, Bani M, et al. Journal article Effekte von Peer Teaching in einem geburtshilflich-gynäkologischen Praktikum (2009) Frobenius W, Ganslandt T, Juenger J, Beckmann M, Cupisti S Journal article A diet rich in Mailllard reaction products protects LDL against copper induced oxidation ex vivo, a human intervention trial (2009) Dittrich R, Dragonas C, Kannenkeril D, Hoffmann I, Müller A, Beckmann M, Pischetsrieder M Journal article Berufgruppenspezifische Akzeptanz der elektronischen Patientenakte im Kontext der Geburtshilfe (2009) Sohn S, Beckmann M, Raß M, Schöffski O, Sippel W, Zagel C, Beckmann K Conference contribution, Original article Single nucleotide polymorphism D1853N of the ATM gene may alter the risk for breast cancer (2008) Schrauder M, Frank S, Strissel P, Lux MP, Bani M, Rauh C, Sieber C, et al. Journal article