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Dr. Olaf Brummel
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Katalytische Grenzflächenforschung
Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie II
Professur für Physikalische Chemie
Types of publications
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Journal article
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Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Filters (inactive)
Chemical and Structural In-Situ Characterization of Model Electrocatalysts by Combined Infrared Spectroscopy and Surface X-ray Diffraction (2023)
Brummel O, Jacobse L, Simanenko A, Deng X, Geile S, Gutowski O, Vonk V, et al.
Journal article
Surface science and liquid phase investigations of oxanorbornadiene/oxaquadricyclane ester derivatives as molecular solar thermal energy storage systems on Pt(111) (2023)
Hemauer F, Krappmann D, Schwaab V, Hussain Z, Freiberger EM, Waleska-Wellnhofer N, Franz E, et al.
Journal article
Mechanistic Insight into Solution-Based Atomic Layer Deposition of CuSCN Provided by In Situ and Ex Situ Methods (2023)
Hilpert F, Liao PC, Franz E, Koch V, Fromm L, Topraksal E, Görling A, et al.
Journal article
How Adsorption Affects the Energy Release in an Azothiophene-Based Molecular Solar-Thermal System (2023)
Franz E, Jung J, Kunz A, Wegner HA, Brummel O, Mollenhauer D, Libuda J
Journal article
Competition of Acetone Reduction and Hydrogen Evolution on Pt Single Crystal Electrodes in the Absence and Presence of the Ionic Liquid [C2C1Im][OTf] (2023)
Kastenmeier M, Franz E, Waidhas F, Yang T, Taccardi N, Wasserscheid P, Brummel O, Libuda J
Journal article
Activity Trends for the Selective Oxidation of 2-Propanol to Acetone on Noble Metal Electrodes in Alkaline Electrolyte (2023)
Mangoufis-Giasin I, Fusek L, Yang T, Khanipour P, Brummel O, Libuda J, Mayrhofer KJ, et al.
Journal article
Strong Activity Changes Observable during the First Pretreatment Cycles of Trimetallic PtNiMo/C Catalysts (2023)
Danisman B, Zhang GR, Baumunk AF, Yang J, Brummel O, Darge P, Mayrhoferhttps KJ, et al.
Journal article
Pd/Co3O4(111) Interface Formation (2023)
Kastenmeier M, Fusek L, Mohamed F, Schuschke C, Ronovský M, Skála T, Farnesi Camellone M, et al.
Journal article
A Versatile Approach to Electrochemical in Situ Ambient-Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Application to a Complex Model Catalyst (2022)
Brummel O, Lykhach Y, Ralaiarisoa M, Berasategui M, Kastenmeier M, Fusek L, Simanenko A, et al.
Journal article
Particle Size and Shape Effects in Electrochemical Environments: Pd Particles Supported on Ordered Co3O4(111) and Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (2022)
Kastenmeier M, Fusek L, Deng X, Skala T, Mehl S, Tsud N, Grau S, et al.
Journal article