Dr. Jörg Hofmann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Metabolic rewiring promotes anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids (2024) Auger JP, Zimmermann M, Faas M, Stifel U, Chambers D, Krishnacoumar B, Taudte RV, et al. Journal article Alcohol-sourced acetate impairs T cell function by promoting cortactin acetylation (2023) Azizov V, Hübner M, Frech M, Hofmann J, Kubankova M, Lapuente D, Tenbusch M, et al. Journal article Efficient sugar utilization and transition from oxidative to substrate-level phosphorylation in high starch storage roots of African cassava genotypes (2023) Lamm C, Rabbi IY, Medeiros DB, Rosado-Souza L, Pommerrenig B, Dahmani I, Rüscher D, et al. Journal article Multi-Omics of Corynebacterium Pseudotuberculosis 12CS0282 and an In Silico Reverse Vaccinology Approach Reveal Novel Vaccine and Drug Targets (2022) Möller J, Bodenschatz M, Sangal V, Hofmann J, Burkovski A Journal article Propionate induced bacterial-derived histamine promotes resolution of synovial inflammation (2022) Dürholz K, Lucas S, Schmid E, Schaelter F, Frech M, Azizov V, Hofmann J, et al. Conference contribution Mitochondrial respiration in B lymphocytes is essential for humoral immunity by controlling the flux of the TCA cycle (2022) Urbanczyk S, Baris OR, Hofmann J, Taudte V, Guegen N, Golombek F, Castiglione K, et al. Journal article Maize Field Study Reveals Covaried Microbiota and Metabolic Changes in Roots over Plant Growth (2022) Bourceret A, Guan R, Dorau K, Mansfeldt T, Omidbakhshfard A, Medeiros DB, Fernie AR, et al. Journal article IL-33-induced metabolic reprogramming controls the differentiation of alternatively activated macrophages and the resolution of inflammation (2021) Faas M, Ipseiz N, Ackermann J, Culemann S, Grüneboom A, Schröder F, Rothe T, et al. Journal article Corynebacterium diphtheriae proteome adaptation to cell culture medium and serum (2021) Möller J, Nosratabadi F, Musella L, Hofmann J, Burkovski A Journal article Metabolic reprogramming of osteoclasts represents a therapeutic target during the treatment of osteoporosis (2020) Taubmann J, Krishnacoumar B, Böhm C, Faas M, Müller D, Adam S, Stoll C, et al. Journal article
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