Prof. Dr. Christian Alzheimer


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




?-Secretase BACE1 regulates hippocampal and reconstituted M-currents in a ?-subunit-like fashion (2015) Heßler S, Zheng F, Hartmann S, Rittger A, Lehnert S, Voelkel M, Nissen M, et al. Journal article BACE1 modulates gating of KCNQ1 (Kv7.1) and cardiac delayed rectifier KCNQ1/KCNE1 (IKs) (2015) Agsten M, Heßler S, Lehnert S, Volk T, Rittger A, Hartmann S, Raab C, et al. Journal article The antidepressant fluoxetine mobilizes vesicles to the recycling pool of rat hippocampal synapses during high activity (2014) Jung J, Loy K, Schilling EM, Röther M, Brauner JM, Huth T, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, et al. Journal article Axonal and synaptic failure suppress the transfer of firing rate oscillations, synchrony and information during high frequency deep brain stimulation (2014) Rosenbaum R, Zimnik A, Zheng F, Turner RS, Alzheimer C, Doiron B, Rubin JE Journal article Deletion of interleukin-6 signal transducer gp130 in small sensory neurons attenuates mechanonociception and down-regulates TRPA1 expression (2014) Malsch P, Andratsch M, Vogl C, Link A, Alzheimer C, Brierley SM, Hughes PA, Kress M Journal article Risperidone inhibits voltage-gated sodium channels (2014) Brauner JM, Heßler S, Groemer TW, Alzheimer C, Huth T Journal article Amplified cold transduction in native nociceptors by M-channel inhibition (2013) Vetter I, Hein A, Sattler S, Heßler S, Touska F, Bressan E, Parra A, et al. Journal article Acid sphingomyelinase-ceramide system mediates effects of antidepressant drugs (2013) Gulbins E, Palmada M, Reichel M, Lueth A, Boehmer C, Amato D, Müller CP, et al. Journal article