Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Müller-Schmucker

Influence of AAV vector tropism on long-term expression and Fc-γ receptor binding of an antibody targeting SARS-CoV-2 (2024) Wagner J, Müller-Schmucker S, Wang W, Arnold P, Uhlig N, Issmail L, Eberlein V, et al. Journal article Clinical and immunological benefits of full primary COVID-19 vaccination in individuals with SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections: A prospective cohort study in non-hospitalized adults (2024) Prelog M, Jeske SD, Asam C, Fuchs A, Wieser A, Gall C, Wytopil M, et al. Journal article Modulation of immune responses to liposomal vaccines by intrastructural help (2023) Damm D, Suleiman E, Wagner J, Klessing S, Pfister F, Elsayed H, Walkenfort B, et al. Journal article Protective mucosal immunity against SARS-CoV-2 after heterologous systemic RNA-mucosal adenoviral vector immunization (2022) Lapuente D, Fuchs J, Willar J, Antao A, Eberlein V, Uhlig N, Issmail L, et al. Conference contribution Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 Escape Mutants to a Pair of Neutralizing Antibodies Targeting the RBD and the NTD (2022) Peter AS, Grüner E, Socher E, Fraedrich K, Richel E, Müller-Schmucker S, Cordsmeier A, et al. Journal article Protective mucosal immunity against SARS-CoV-2 after heterologous systemic prime-mucosal boost immunization (2021) Lapuente D, Fuchs J, Willar J, Vieira Antao AI, Eberlein V, Uhlig N, Issmail L, et al. Journal article A pair of non‐competing neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies protecting from disease in a SARS‐CoV‐2 infection model (2021) Peter AS, Roth E, Schulz S, Fraedrich K, Steinmetz T, Damm D, Hauke M, et al. Journal article, Original article Sequence-function analysis of three T cell receptors targeting the HIV-1 p17 (2016) Mummert C, Hofmann C, Hueckelhoven AG, Bergmann S, Müller-Schmucker S, Harrer EG, Dörrie J, et al. Conference contribution T Cell Costimulation Molecules CD80/86 Inhibit Osteoclast Differentiation by Inducing the IDO/Tryptophan Pathway (2014) Bozec A, Zaiss M, Kagwiria R, Voll R, Rauh M, Chen Z, Müller-Schmucker S, et al. Journal article HIV-1 mRNA electroporation of PBMC: A simple and efficient method to monitor T-cell responses against autologous HIV-1 in HIV-1-infected patients (2012) Etschel JK, Hueckelhoven AG, Hofmann C, Zitzelsberger K, Maurer K, Bergmann S, Müller-Schmucker S, et al. Journal article