Dr.-Ing. Matthias Markl


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Extracting powder bed features via electron optical images during electron beam powder bed fusion (2024) Markl M, Azadi Tinat MR, Berger T, Renner J, Körner C Journal article A new approach of preheating and powder sintering in electron beam powder bed fusion (2024) Böhm J, Breuning C, Markl M, Körner C Journal article A CALPHAD-Informed Enthalpy Method for Multicomponent Alloy Systems with Phase Transitions (2024) Scherr R, Liepold P, Markl M, Körner C Journal article Comprehensive numerical investigation of laser powder bed fusion process conditions for bulk metallic glasses (2024) Yang Z, Markl M, Körner C Journal article, Original article Numerical Microstructure Prediction for Lattice Structures Manufactured by Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion (2024) Koepf JA, Pistor J, Markl M, Körner C Journal article A thermo-mechanical model for hot cracking susceptibility in electron beam powder bed fusion of Ni-base superalloys (2024) Wahlmann B, Markl M, Körner C Journal article In situ build surface topography determination in electron beam powder bed fusion (2024) Renner J, Markl M, Körner C Journal article A Thermo-Mechanical Model for Hot Cracking Susceptibility in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion of Ni-Base Superalloys (2023) Wahlmann B, Markl M, Körner C Journal article SAMPLE3D: A versatile numerical tool for investigating texture and grain structure of materials processed by PBF processes (2023) Yang Z, Kuesters Y, Logvinov R, Markl M, Körner C Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Volume of fluid based modeling of thermocapillary flow applied to a free surface lattice Boltzmann method (2023) Scherr R, Markl M, Körner C Journal article